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  1. Open the Arduino software on the computer.
  2. Maximize the Arduino software window.
  3. In the menu bar, go to Tools>Port> and click the COM# with “Arduino/Genuino Uno” next to it.


STEM Connections

The Arduino software is used to create and send a computer program to the Arduino board to make the LED blink. There are many different types of Arduino boards for a range of applications. The default Arduino board, under the Tools menu, that the Arduino software is connected to is Arduino Uno. Every time you connect a new Arduino Uno board to your computer, the computer assigns it a new COM#. Be sure to check that your port is connected to the right COM# each time you start using a new computer or new Arduino board.

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At the Thinkabit Lab, we explain that the information transferred from the computer and received by the Arduino board is the uploaded code.  We continue with the texting analogy, explaining the following:

  1. Anytime you connect something (whether it’s an external mouse, keyboard, etc.) to your computer, the computer assigns it a unique COM# (like a virtual door number) to know where to send different pieces of information. Connecting your Arduino Uno board to your computer is no different.
  2. Explain to students that the process of writing code for Arduino is similar to the process of sending a text.
    • Ask students: “How many of you have ever texted before?”  
              - Students are typically familiar with texting.
    • Ask students: “What is the first thing you do when you want to text somebody?”  
              - Students typically know that when you send a text, the first thing to do is open the Messages App.
              - Explain: “When you write code for Arduino, the first thing you need to do is open the Arduino software.”
    • Ask students: “What would you do next, if you were texting?”  
              - While many students would say that they would start writing the text. In fact, the next step after
                 opening the Message App is to select the person who will receive the text or person they want to
                 send the text to.  
               - Explain: “When writing code, the next step is to select the port where you will upload your code.”
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No COM# with (Arduino/Genuino Uno)

  1. Make sure that the USB is plugged all the way in to both the Arduino board and the USB port of the computer.
  2. Click the menu bar and try again (sometimes it takes a while for the computer to connect to the Arduino board).
  3. Unplug the USB cable.
  4. Restart the Arduino software.
  5. Use a new Arduino Uno board.
  6. Use a different USB cable.
  7. Use a different computer.
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