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Instructor directions are listed below:

  1. Have students revisit the problem their group chose to solve in the Intro to Internet of Things activity (if you are using the Thinkabit Lab Notebook, this is on page 11).
  2. Have students revisit the IoT solution they invented to solve their problem. 
  3. Allow students a few minutes to discuss if they want to change their problem or IoT solution.
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The first two steps of the engineering design process focus on understanding the problem and generating ideas for a project.  Encourage students to spend time on each step and not jump straight to building.  Building with a plan and a purpose will allow students to work quickly and efficiently as a group.

If students did not complete the Intro to Internet of Things activity, spend some time now having students work in teams to think of problems they want to solve and solutions to those problems.  Other robotic creation themes can be used within the context of your school.  For example, if students are learning about biomes and animal environments, consider having them create an animal enclosure for an endangered species that is pleasing to the animal, incorporating a Servo into their creation so that it has a moving aspect.

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