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Feel free to play with your app, both on the designer page and on the blocks page. You can add more components, and try out new blocks to see what happens. Now that you have connected your mobile device using the AI2 companion app, any changes you make on your computer will automatically be updated on your mobile device. If you want some help thinking of new things to do with your app, try out the 2 challenges below.

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At the Thinkabit Lab, we typically give students plenty of time to play with their apps and have fun. Some may want to add more pictures or change the colors of the buttons, and others will be content to play with the app.

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As you modify the code on your computer, it updates the companion app on your mobile device. Remember, adding a component makes it appear on the screen, but only adding blocks of code makes that button functional. You do not need to re-connect your mobile device every time you make a change.

Lost the connection on my mobile device

  1. Close the app completely on your Android device (using the app manager) and reset the connection on App Inventor on the computer and connect it again.
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